The Snowy Owl (Poem)

Snowy Owl
Hey Snow Owl I see you've taken flight
To only
Where only you go
A lovely little place

Icy and snow

Have you seen the eternal winter
Cover us whole
Circling at 90 ° N
What was a pathless flight
In search of what lies at the ends of the earth
These Gallivant Souls 
Travel from heaven to hell
 Just to notify us what truth lies on each side
 Nomads in blizzards
From times of old
Glowing yellow and orange
Your eyes are portals to the infinite
Adept to see in range
Blind to necessities in front of your face
On this search have you found
What lies behind our sensors
Past the images projected onto the cave
  of our skulls
From the darkness inside
Have you found the soul?
Hey Snow Owl
Illusions of time and reality can you reveal to me
I want to feel the circling winds of the North in full force as you do
Oh how I wish to be free
Abandon all notion of concepts in motion
Together we can dream all our life's away asking why
Stream all our thoughts all along
The path where you fly


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