Go Back To Sleep (Poem)

Go Back To Sleep
I'm scared
I woke up
But I wish I could go back to sleep
So that is what I did just for another hour or two
When I get up I don't know where to start
But my mind already has
Throughout the day the same thoughts race through my head
The impending doom that awaits is already here
The hourglass bottom is becoming full
Every moment is filled with fear
Talking to people in disconnection
Do they know what I am thinking?
Here comes another wave of thought
Corporations, Institutions, conceptualization and mind control
Our entire lives has been fabricated
We don't even know what it means to know
Fed poison food
Breed disease in pools
You are crazy
You are crazy if you think its gonna be ok
The repetition
get up
make money
It's all programmed
There is something wrong here
I shouldn't be remembering the future
Love? Compassion?
Is it still real?
Its getting late
Paranoia sets in
Seeing things that are not there just for a second
Something paranormal is following now
Feeling my heart race as I sprint for the house
They are right behind me with there same old game
But I don't want to play
Shut off the lights
Locked the doors
But they find a way inside
Opening the fridge door
Someone came through backdoor
I just want something to eat
Hunched over the window-sill
Peering down at the suspect
Are these eyes of judgment
I rush to bed and cover myself head to toe
Maybe they wont come in here
I am safe for the moment
4 hours
 I lay there while they stare from across the room
It feels a little empty once they are gone
I can't sleep but It seems to be the only way out of this mess
As long as my dreams are safe that is
After hours in agony I doze off only to relive yesterday tomorrow
Oh another child could never know
A pain that repeats then grows some more
Just go back to sleep
It will all be alright once the storm blows over

photos taken in Rip Van Winkle Woods during a recording session on 4/21/17
bottom two on 4/11/17

Written about childhood fears and peculiar talks with a loved friend Everett Millette


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