Maybe We Could Be Real (poem)

Maybe We Could Be Real 
Laying here I can't tell if time is passing
At least for once it feels this way
I can heed to the moment and you can embellish the world
You see there is life in this painting 
It is made out of little things flowing through the air
As is a feather in the wind blown over a river filled with summer rain
I know neither the rose nor the thorn 
Yet she pulls me in
Head under water is this where I die?
Well that would be alright
We supine to the world
If only you hadn't been here long before
Perhaps we wouldn't need a perfect illusion
Maybe we would be real
Picture taken at asilomar July 30th 2015 
Everett Millete pictured left and Yvan pictured right

written about fleeting dreams and heavenly things


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