Tomorrow Is A Memory

Tomorrow Is A Memory
Desert sun on my face
Seep through my skin
It's calmer than ever
No more hurry for feeling
Beautiful dunes surround me
Whirling wind let's me know
Flashing through mom, dad, sister and past
Flashing through the years.. all my peers and places I've seen divide me
Here at 20 to birth at 0
Cradled little baby 
It will never be this pure 
You only get your child once
Remember these moments you had as a child
When time stood still
Wonder and mystery prevailed through our senses
This place where magic is still real
There is nothing more psychedelic than childhood my father told me
Uncorrupted perception
Take everything in with authenticity
Thought process has yet to be manipulated by digiphrenia and the infinite other available opinions to take
All are right and all of them can be shot down
Only a child could know
We are not in control
Take it in 
It's just a ride
Tomorrow is just a memory of a time we may not see


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