Recurring Dreams

Recurring Dreams
I dream of the apocalypse more than anything else
There was an endearing face with me in my latest death
Imagine a nuclear city
Houses with open roofs and amusement park rides swaying nearly overhead
I can't remember who she was but there was a calm of the ages that came with her presence as we sat together in the face of the end
Look up to the sky and see a single point of light break off and scatter through the sky like a firework 
It is so quiet at the worlds stand still
Following it
A huge white stream shoots to the ground
Here comes the deeper silence followed by a rumble
These are the last moments 
Take it to say something to my partner in death?
Or run from the rushing dark flow?
We speak softly to each other
Our last words fall under the shadow of the burning planet
See the flow rise in fractions
Full eclipse
We choose to run to our rest
So loud now 
So bright as the flow approaches
We waited so long for the day that has been forseen
Here is to progress and order
All life takes a last breath


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