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Yvan Vucina Biography

 Biography      Yvan Vucina is an American/Brazilian singer/musician/songwriter/artist. He is best known for being the creator of Yvanix music where he writes, performs and records music to make up a unique blend of rock n’ roll music. Yvan developed a deep passion for music at an early age. He began taking piano lessons at age 8 and also listening to records on his CD player around that same time. Yvan and his family moved to Brazil when he was 11 years old and by age 14 he had taught himself how to play the guitar by watching tutorials and listening to his favorite songs on youtube. Also at this time Yvan began to write compositions on the guitar and would show them to his dad and friends. His time spent in Brazil was crucial in defining his free spirited love for song and nature. Upon returning to the U.S.A in 2013, Yvan sought out to form a band and by 2014 had co-founded Mental Musk, a rock n’ roll band that stayed together and was active for about 5 years. Yvan began creating his