
Showing posts from February, 2018

No Return

No Return Who you are Who you become Found no question to be answered No reason for the outcome  Just events followed after  Random strangers cross our lines Dropping seeds in the planter This is how you become a someone Unless you wipe your windows faster  Then the rain fallen upon it I gaze out to meet the fog ----------- Hole in between All the directions could have taken Different people i would be In limbo life it stagnates This comes at a cost If you decide to forge a pathway  Every entrance is now blocked *wiping the windows resembles the rejection of incoming beliefs from the people in our lives


Runes The new world brings no news So I set out to the desert to trace myself back through the sands of time I chose a straight line path up the tallest dune Starred at the jagged split mountain Ever upward only kings  It rang to me To dwell on the infinite with a mortal mind To try to feel the rain from behind the glass These ancient cryptic runes


Voices The voices are remembering I recognize the voices Ones of friends caught in a sandstorm spoke in Cardinal fashion I hear them come.. go Voices become more scarred each time they return Through emerging adulthood each voice has established definition Our rights and wrongs are under the magician's cup's He shuffles them By stander Time to choose In one is all you stand for In the second failed attempts to make sense of events In a third cup hidden in the back holds nothing so it seems at first glance Choose right  Choose to share your meal in the feast Spread your view.. passionate and ignorant Choose wrong unveil the darkness Carry the worlds weight on your back Existence won't make sense but at least you are aware Settle your camp in pessimistic self-loathing Refuse your meal and sit alone The last cup If you choose empty you choose full The collective unison of all possible outcomes A single conscious stream Witho

Blowing Bubbles

Blowing Bubbles If you have wet hands and soft touch the bubble wont pop You can hold the wand Blow a bubble  Blow a bubble Shiny rainbow inside Sunny day on the out Hes happy though Life is good Sometimes being lame pays it off  blowing bubbles on a sunny day in PG